Drumlin Magic - Visual Art

Schools Programme:

Grace Haynes will work with pupils to create a collaborative paper installation inspired by the landscape of the drumlins of Monaghan. This art piece will take centre stage at the Íontas Theatre as part of Tradoodle Festival, serving as a collective celebration of the area’s unique locality and rich cultural heritage. During the workshops the participants will create individual drumlins using materials such as watercolours and inks, to craft a stunning collage diorama of the Monaghan landscape.

Family Day @ Íontas Theatre

The county of Monaghan is famous for it’s many little hills. Join Visual Artist Orla Meegan Gallagher Haynes to create your own individual drumlin using materials such as watercolours and inks.

Event Details

Date: 22nd October 2023
Time: 12pm
Age Range: 8+
Duration: 1 hr
Price: €5

How to Book: www.iontascastleblayney.ie or 042 975 3400